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ORN Spring 2024 - ED Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Truth, Trends and Treatments
Available on-demand. Login or create an account to register to view the recording.
This lecture is designed to address:
  • Evidence that treatment works
  • Consequences of Inaction
  • Overcoming barriers to evidence based care 
  • Research Testing Innovative Solutions 
Learning objectives:
At the conclusion of this seminar, attendees should be able to:
  1. Evaluate outcomes for Opioid Use Disorder in patients receiving buprenorphine through the Emergency Department and discuss supporting evidence
  2. Identify barriers and solutions to initiating buprenorphine in the Emergency Department
  3. Discuss innovative solutions for buprenorphine induction in the ED including different formulations of buprenorphine and high dose strategies 
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Under the "Course" tab (or "Content" tab):
  1. Complete the required course materials.
  2. Claim your credits by clicking the "Report Credit" or "Request Credit" button on the right above the course materials.
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