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Essentials: Psychosocial Treatments for Substance Use Disorder
This lecture will review the co-morbid medical and behavioral treatments in the field of addiction medicine. Addiction Medicine patients have a higher rate of medical and psychiatric disorders and this often complicates the treatment of the addiction. Screening and evaluation process for medical and behavioral issues will be reviewed. Screening tools for PTSD, Depression and the Mental Status Examination will be reviewed in detail. Medical screening laboratory and toxicology screens will be discussed. Infectious disease evaluation and care is of critical importance in light of HIV, HEP C and other infectious processes. Treatment of chronic medical disorders including pain syndromes may complicate the treatment of addiction patients.
Learning Objectives
  • To be aware of the medical co-morbid disorders associated with addictions 
  • Be able to list the topics to be covered in a screening examination 
  • To be aware of the psychosocial interventions for addiction patients including behavioral, Osteopathic interventions and sober support programs. 
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  1. Complete the required course materials.
  2. Claim your credits by clicking the "Report Credit" or "Request Credit" button on the right above the course materials.
Credit Statements
Claim either AOA Category 1A Credit(s) or a Participation Certificate (no CME)
R. Gregory Lande, DO, FAOAAM

R. Gregory Lande, DO is a past president of the AOAAM.

Dr. Lande retired from active duty military service and now practices psychiatry at Walter Reed National Military
Medical center in Bethesda, MD.
He is the author of over 100 articles, chapters, and books.

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Dec 31, 2024
Cost: Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $35.00
Resident/Intern Member: $0.00
Student Member: $0.00
Credit Offered:
0.5 AOA Category 1A Credit
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